
这篇短文是 2015 年 11 月我研究生第二年上学期休学 3 个月后返校时, 首次参加网易实习生校招时写下的. 当时, 我才刚刚决心转行游戏行业. 今天是 2018 年 10 月 3 号, 转眼已经过去了两年半, 我已经累计在网易游戏工作 8 个多月了 ...


A few days ago, I received the message from NetEase Gaming Division, which told me my resume was passing through. Since I'd been working on game-related projects (spanning nearly 3 years now), it is the first time I get the formal external confirmation of my skills and experience for game programming.

I think it is happening.

While I am still aware of deficiency of mine in some Computer Science subjects and I don't have a degree in Computer Science, that is not a huge obstacle for me now.